Configuring email notifications for privilege elevation requests

To enable email notifications for privilege requests in Unified PAM, you'll need to activate SMTP authentication on certain mailboxes by following the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Enable SMTP AUTH for Outlook User

Use the Microsoft 365 Admin Center to enable SMTP AUTH on specific mailboxes.

  • Open the Microsoft 365 Admin Center ( and go to Users > Active users. Microsoft 365 Admin Center
  • Select the user, and in the flyout that appears, click Mail.
  • In the ‘Email Apps’ section, click Manage Email Apps. Manage Email Apps
  • Verify the authenticated SMTP setting: checked = enabled. Authenticated SMTP
  • When you are done, click Save Changes.

Step 2: Create App Password for Outlook User

You need to create a password under Mail Server Settings in Securden. You can refer to the document below to create the password.

Step 3: Configure Mail Server Settings in Securden

  • Navigate to Admin >> General >> Mail Server Settings. You can give the values as mentioned below. Mail Server Settings
  • SMTP Server Name (Hostname or IP Address):
    Connection Mode: TLS
    SMTP Port: 587
    Sender Email Address for Notifications: <Email-ID> Configure SMTP Server Settings
  • Credentials
    Username: <Email-ID>
    Password: <Password created in Step 2>

Once the above steps are carried out, SMTP authentication will be enabled for those specific mailboxes.

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