Vendor Privileged Access Management

Give vendors, contractors, and third-parties secure, monitored access to privileged passwords and other sensitive IT assets in your organization.

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Simplify vendor access,
Mitigate security threats

Ensure fortified privileged access to external vendors with ease

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Regulate Privileged Access

Protect all identities, regulate privileged access to vendors, and mitigate security risks by significantly reducing the attack surface.

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Simplify Remote Access

Securely launch one-click connections to remote IT assets. Comprehensively audit all vendor activity and satisfy compliance.

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Share Passwords with Third-Parties

Safely send passwords to third-parties outside your network. Set a time frame for access and reset passwords upon usage.

Curb Vendor Vulnerabilities

More than 50% of data breaches reported in 2022 involved third parties.

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Organizations are dependent on a wide array of third-party resources ranging from IT service providers to contract workers to suppliers. Managing their access without a centralized system is a difficult task, and this leads to companies giving vendors complete access to internal IT resources.

Unmonitored and unrestricted privileged access to sensitive resources causes bleeding of critical passwords and other business information. Securing third party relationships without hindering them brings in the need for special management of vendor access in internally regulated networks.

vendor access

As networks and systems grow in number and get more complex, there is the need to give secure access to vendors so they can work on things like ERP implementations, manufacturing systems troubleshooting, vendor specific software upgrades, contract worker access etc. This is where vendor access management comes into the picture. It defines a process to manage third-party access to computers in your organization. Privileged access management with vendor access capabilities allows you to give least-privilege access to external entities. This time-limited access is recalled once the vendor has completed their job. Securden PAM automates the process of providing access and helps completely control and audit all sensitive access.

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Vendor Privileged Access Management Features

Allow third-parties swift access to resources they need while administering complete control.

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Ensure Just-in-time access

Give vendors secure, time-limited access to privileged passwords, IT resources, applications, and servers on request. Administrators can configure authorized personnel to approve third-party access based on a reason.

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Record & Audit Vendors

Vendors who carry out RDP, SQL, and SSH sessions on remote machines/servers can be held accountable with fully recorded session trails of all privileged activity. This includes command-line activity.

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Comply with regulations

With comprehensive audits and concise reports, Securden Unified PAM helps organizations ensure compliance across Sarbanes-Oxley, NIST, HIPAA, PCI/DSS, and CMMC standards.

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Expedite response time

Maintain authority over vendor sessions launched inside business networks. Shadow and monitor (Supervise) live connections, with the ability to terminate an ongoing connection immediately if suspicious activity is noted.

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Share credentials securely

Safely share credentials in a masked form to third-parties via an email. This access can be time-restricted and fully audited. The password accessed can also be reset after being used by an external vendor identity.

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Enforce MFA for Vendors

Add third-party vendors as users in PAM and allow it to broker and manage access to resources. Assign specific MFA methods for your vendor identities to connect securely to IT assets via Securden.

Vendor Privileged Access Management

Give vendors, contractors, and third-parties secure, monitored access to privileged passwords and
other sensitive IT assets in your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

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VPAM is a sub-section of PAM that helps organizations manage and control privileged access by vendor identities such as mediators, contractors, and third-parties.

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What is Privileged Password Management

VPAM leverages enhanced password management to protect confidential login information for systems that third parties require access to.

  • Restrict vendor access based on date and time, specific users, user groups, and some other factors.
  • Configure VPAM to trigger alerts when specific conditions are met.
  • Allow end users to access passwords without being able to actually see them. This means that the password is injected securely into the system/service and the user is automatically logged in.
  • Mask passwords to refrain users from writing down the passwords or sharing it with an external entity.
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What is Privileged Account and Session Management

PASM helps track activities that a vendor does while accessing internal systems.

  • Record basic information like date and time of login, user and computer ID, and IP addresses for vendor identities.
  • Record contextual data like associated ticket numbers, specific reason for access, approvers of access, and other data for each session to correlate the account activity with a business purpose.
  • Store videos of privileged sessions and keystroke logs of command-line activity.
  • The collected data would be of importance when it comes to maintaining audits and demonstrating compliance.
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What is Vendor Access Management

Vendor privileged access management should be a component of a unified and full-fledged PAM solution. It is crucial that VPAM includes all the associated password and session management components without having to rely on individual modules or several solutions to solve one pressing issue.

  • Onboarding vendors as users into PAM and giving them the utility to avail self-service portals so they can request privileged access.
  • Swift off-boarding of contract representatives is also essential to keep unauthorized techs out of your systems.
  • Multi-factor authentication support, including SMS and TOTP, can be configured to comply with various government mandates and protect end-users from credential theft.
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