Features Snapshot

Privileged Access Management for MSPs

Truly purpose-built MSP design

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Scalable multi-tenant architecture

Built on a scalable multi-tenant architecture, Unified PAM MSP is capable of managing privileged access across tens of hundreds of client organizations. Reduce infrastructure costs and scale seamlessly.

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Robust data segregation

Achieve complete segregation of data, ensuring that data from one client is not exposed to others. Provide holistic visibility and control for MSP administrators while enforcing granular access restrictions to MSP technicians and client IT teams.

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Concurrency controls

Get dual controls over privileged access. Grant granular permissions to client-side IT teams depending upon deployment model and governance requirements. Increase operational efficiency by allowing concurrent access without compromising security.

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Secure outbound connections

Reinforce security by allowing only outbound connections from client to the MSP environment. Leverage the probe mechanism to route all access requests to the product server without opening any ports on the client side.

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Administrative flexibility

Provide MSP administrators with complete flexibility to cater to various deployment models. Govern client access holistically from a single instance or offer privileged access management as a service (PAMaaS) to clients.

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Personalized client access

Help MSPs to create custom policies for different client orgs depending on the requirements. Cater to varying organizational requirements via custom policies with robust data segregation.

Unified Privileged Access Governance

Get all critical privileged access management capabilities under one roof.

Privileged Password Management

Credential lifecycle management

Get holistic visibility and control over credentials that grant elevated access across devices, accounts, and applications. Eliminate manual spreadsheet tracking and automate password lifecycle management for client systems—including discovery, vaulting, onboarding, access control, rotation, reporting—from a unified platform.

Password randomization and rotation

Automatically rotate passwords on client privileged systems from a centralized location. Assign and generate strong, unique passwords to remote endpoints, databases, and network devices. Enforce custom policies on client systems depending upon password complexity and compliance requirements.

Manage SSH keys

Securely store SSH keys and associate them to corresponding UNIX-based devices that allows MSP technicians to securely access client privileged systems. Generate, associate, rotate, and monitor SSH key lifecycles from a centralized location.

Application password management

Eliminate the use of hard-coded credentials in applications, scripts, and DevOps pipeline. Use APIs to retrieve passwords, keys, certificates, and other identities securely as and when required from a centralized vault. Enforce password security best practices on credentials involved in A2A and A2DB communications.

Account Discovery and Vaulting

Discovery and inventory

Perform a network-based discovery of all privileged accounts across diverse client systems and consolidate them in a single location with tight data segregation. Discover accounts from Windows, Mac, Linux systems, databases, network devices, and applications. Automatically discover all the orphaned accounts as and when they are created and manage them centrally.

Manage shared admin accounts

Securely share access to administrator accounts with MSP technicians or client-side IT teams and track their usage centrally. Establish thorough accountability, clearly map which account is handled by which technician, track client-side access, and monitor the activities performed through in-depth audit trails.

Manage Windows accounts

Securely discover and manage Windows local admin accounts, service accounts, and domain admin accounts from a centralized location. Enforce password security best practices for Windows accounts across various client systems and religiously track their usage.

Granular Access with Just-in-time Provisioning

Secure remote access

Allow MSP technicians and client-side IT teams to launch one-click remote connections (RDP, SSH, SQL) to privileged systems through a secure gateway server.

Self-service application access

Self-support authentication and automatically launch connections to a variety of customer applications including thick client and legacy applications. Access applications in one-click with just minimum permissions required to carry out the desired operations.

Role-based access controls

Clearly define ‘who’ can access ‘what’ credentials. Thwart privilege misuse by granting granular access to MSP technicians and customer IT teams. Grant elevated access to users based on job roles and responsibilities.

Access via hidden credentials

Grant access to client privileged systems without revealing the credentials to technicians. Establish a request-release mechanism and grant access based on job responsibilities. Grant time-limited access to third-party users, vendors, and contractors.

Just-in-time access controls

Grant time-limited access to client privileged systems through strong approval workflows, based on job roles and responsibilities. Revoke access after the stipulated time and randomize credentials automatically once the task is completed.

Real-time Monitoring

Privileged session monitoring

Capture and playback remote privileged sessions along with keystrokes. Shadow sessions in real-time for assistance and established dual controls over privileged access by terminating sessions when any malicious actions are suspected.

Comprehensive audit trails and real-time alerts

Continuously record all privileged activities with clear details about ‘who’ did ‘what’ and ‘when’ using in-depth audit trails. Get real-time alerts for specific operations. Generate canned reports demonstrating compliance with various regulations including HIPAA, NIST, PCI DSS, NERC etc.

Dark web monitoring

Persistently scan the dark web and watch out for credentials stored in Securden to see if any of those match with the breached password database. Get alerts on breached credential identification and rotate them instantly from a centralized interface.

Privileged Elevation and Delegation Management

Endpoint privilege management

Eliminate local admin rights on endpoints across MSP and client environments. Allow MSP technicians and client-side IT teams to only operate with standard user privileges. Elevate processes and applications on demand and immediately revoke privileged access once the required activity is completed.

Application control

Ensure seamless access to applications for standard users across multiple client organizations. Elevate applications automatically based on custom policies. Enforce role-based access restrictions for applications.

Technician privileged access

Authorize specific MSP technicians or client-side IT admins to perform administrative tasks on privileged systems. Grant time-bound, temporary elevated access to technicians to perform privileged activities and revoke access based on policy specifications.

Temporary full admin access

Grant access to client privileged systems without revealing the credentials to technicians. Establish a request-release mechanism and grant access based on job responsibilities. Grant time-limited access to third-party users, vendors, and contractors.

Seamless Integration

AD, Azure AD, LDAP

Seamlessly integrate with Directory services, including AD, Azure AD, and LDAP for easy onboarding and authentication. Utilize AD SSO and Azure AD SSO to provide a single sign-on experience to users.


An effective PAM and SIEM combo can provide a strong security fence. With PAM, you can figure out precisely what has happened and avoid time-consuming investigations by passing SNMP traps or syslog messages.

Multi-factor authentication

Enforce a second layer of authentication by readily integrating with a wide range of multi-factor authentication solutions such as Mail OTP, Google/Microsoft/TOTP Authenticator, RADIUS Authentication, Email to SMS Gateway, Duo Security, YubiKey.

Ticketing system

Integrate readily with various web-based ticketing systems that allow users access sensitive accounts only after entering a valid ticket identification number. Provides integration with any ITSM solutions like Fresh Service, Zendesk, and ServiceNow.

Single sign-on

Integrate with all SAML-based single sign-on solutions. Provide a single sign-on experience to your employees using Okta, G-Suite, One-login, Microsoft ADFS, and Azure AD SSO.

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