Securden Unified PAM Features

Integrate with Helpdesks and Ticketing systems

In a dynamic business environment, users including vendors and third parties may need access to critical IT assets and data for specific business purposes. Their access request however must be carefully examined before granting them with limited access yet allowing them to complete their tasks. Ticketing systems serve as a platform for the users to raise and manage service requests in order to gain access to privileged accounts.

Therefore, by integrating PAM with these ticketing systems, you can add up another layer of security checks to validate that only right users are granted access to privileged accounts.

Verify Tickets Before Providing Access To Privileged Credentials

Securden integrates with various web-based ticketing systems that allows users access sensitive accounts only after entering a valid ticket identification number.

Before granting access, PAM will also verify whether the ticket is still open and ensure that the user who opened the ticket is authorized for privileged access to the relevant systems and applications. This ensures added security eliminating the chances for unauthorized access.

Securden Unified PAM comes with out-of-the-box integration with the following ticketing systems:

  • Fresh Service
  • Zendesk
  • ServiceNow
  • However, you can configure and integrate any ticketing system that uses Regex patterns within a few steps.

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